Don’t Miss Out! Pensioners Urged to Claim £3,900 Boost and Cost of Living Payment

Hundreds of thousands of pensioners are being urged to act quickly and check if they are eligible for Pension Credit by March 5th, 2024. Those who claim successfully by this date could not only secure an extra £3,900 a year but also be eligible for a £299 Cost of Living payment thanks to backdating rules.

Minister for Pensions Paul Maynard stated the government’s commitment to ensuring every pensioner receives the financial support available to them. He encouraged anyone unsure about their eligibility to use the online Pension Credit calculator, highlighting the potential benefits and ease of claiming.

What is Pension Credit?

Pension Credit is a benefit designed to help low-income individuals over the State Pension age with their everyday living costs. While around 1.4 million pensioners already receive it, an estimated 880,000 households are eligible but haven’t claimed yet.

Benefits of Claiming:

  • Guaranteed minimum weekly income:
    • £201.05 for single pensioners
    • £306.85 for couples
  • Potential for additional income: for those with disabilities or caring responsibilities
  • Unlocks access to further assistance: covering housing costs, council tax, heating bills, and potentially the £299 Cost of Living payment.

How to Claim:

You can apply for Pension Credit over the phone, online, or by post. The online Pension Credit calculator can help determine eligibility and estimate potential benefits.

Don’t delay! Act now and ensure you receive the financial support you deserve.

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